2024 Scholarship Recipient Registration

2024 Scholarship Recipient Registration

Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$30.00

To participate in the JOB Performance Workshop, each scholarship participant must register.

Please note: this specific registration form is ONLY for those who have been awarded the Margaret M. Conrad Scholarship for the 2024 JOB Performance Workshop. Non-scholarship recipients should use the public registration form on the Workshop pages of this site.

Each participant will receive:

  • a 10-year Anniversary JOB Performance Workshop T-shirt

  • a personalized name-badge that includes a schedule of all workshops and seminars

  • a casual Meet n’ Greet lunch with Workshop Instructors (bring your own lunch)

  • access to purchase any of the 2024 workshops, seminars and private lessons

  • access to a classical recital featuring conservatory students Makenzie Hart, Sarah Noelle Baker and Hannah Baker

  • participation in the final Workshop Concert

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